Friday 15 February 2013

Excerpt from The Daily Mail

Before this blog is locked, a relevant newspaper article excerpt will be posted here in the hopes that it may help solve this horrendous crime. From the blog, we assume severe hallucination, depression and suicide.

-Blog Hosting Admins

The Daily Mail
Friday 15th February 2013

Murder In Office – No Suspects

In a terrifying turn of events, an office worker has been murdered while at his desk. Although Mr John Thomas was surrounded by fellow workers, none of them claim to have seen his murder. Mrs Brighton gives her statement to the Daily Mail.
“I had just come in from my lunch break, and I saw the body.  Naturally I screamed and all of the others came running. They seemed shocked by the death, and quite right too. It was a traumatic experience for all of us.”
Medical experts have confirmed that the death was due to a snapped neck. This is unlikely to have been self-caused. This is because of the angle of death, although suicide cannot be ruled out by any means.
When spoken to, the other employees of the company would only comment “We are all sure that the Eye of God is smiling on him right now in Heaven. “
The head of the organisation released a statement:
“We are all deeply saddened by the loss of one of our most hardworking employees. I am Christian, and I think I know that our friend was as well. I’m sure Saint Peter will be passing Judgement on him kindly.”
We at the Daily Mail send our sympathies to any relatives Mr Thomas may have had. 

Three Years Ago

I saw it again today. This time it was for real.
I happened to glance out of my window while on my break, and it was there.
Just for a second.
I saw it.
It saw me.
It was watching me.
And I’m terrified.

I know what I must do.
Three years ago. That was the first time I ever held a smartphone.
Her smartphone.
Didn’t I tell you? I’m a liar. A bad liar.
I don’t just get drunk once a year. It’s more like once a week, fifty or more times a year.
I don’t have a wife, or family. I wouldn’t know how it feels.
I was driving back from an office party, one night in December three years ago. I would have failed any police drunk test, but with astounding luck I was not stopped.
I passed by a bridge, Kingdom Bridge. It’s named after Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
Nobody was about, or so I thought.
I can’t have been thinking clearly. In fact, I know I wasn’t.
The first indication I had of anything being wrong was the sickening crunch of flesh beneath my wheels.
A little girl had been out tonight.
She was crying and crying and crying. Nothing I could do would slow the flow of tears.  I stopped it, the only way I knew how.
She stopped crying as soon as her neck was broken. From then, it was only a matter of minutes to tie rocks to her corpse and let it sink into the river below.
I’d already taken the phone from her pocket. I knew then that they might try and track it somehow, so I crushed it beneath my foot. Down into the river it went as well.
Three years ago.
Three years ago I held a smartphone for the first time.
- John Thomas
Office Secretary
Fieldworker Administrations 

Wednesday 13 February 2013


I’m seeing it everywhere.
Everywhere I go.
It knows?
Doesn’t it?
I found this sent to me in an email from my boss. On close inspection of the header, it’s not from my boss. If it was, it would display my company’s name, Fieldworker Administrations.

Besides, why would my boss send me this?

Snick snack
Crick crack
Like her neck
You know, that time under the bridge
The body they didn’t find for months

Is it possible?
It can’t be.
It won’t be.
I won’t let it be.
- John Thomas
Office Secretary
Fieldworker Administrations

Not Worried

‘Are you going to confess?
Don’t worry, it’ll be quick
Quick as her death

Taped onto a sticky note on my computer screen, I found it as soon as I came into work this morning. And, above the writing, was another badly-drawn eye.
I don’t know what the note is talking about.
I don’t know how it got on my computer.
I don’t know who put it there.
I don’t want to know who put it there.
I’m not at all worried; I have everything under control.
Nothing is wrong here, there is nothing at all disturbing.
I’m going to keep telling myself that.
- John Thomas
Office Secretary
Fieldworker Administrations

Tuesday 12 February 2013


I’m becoming paranoid, aren’t I?
Just because some radical Christians are posting their Rapture and Doomsday leaflets everywhere, does not mean I should worry. May 21st? Nothing happened, really. There is no cause for concern.
There’s something wrong with my eyes. I keep seeing this eye everywhere. It’s truly just a bad drawing, yet I can’t get it out of my head. It seems to crop up everywhere I go, no matter what websites I surf. I’m ahead of work so I may do more or less as I wish for a time. I just cannot escape it.
I’m paranoid, I know. I just have the sneaking feeling that something is terribly wrong. Don’t laugh at me.
- John Thomas
Office Secretary
Fieldworker Administrations 

Religious Drivel

Surprise, surprise, I found another of those pieces of paper in my jacket pocket. I always hang up my jacket when I come inside, it keeps it nice and smooth for later. Of course, when the boss comes down to give us a talk I always put it straight on again.
Somehow someone had slipped a small piece of scrap paper into my pocket without me noticing. They’d have had to get past me without me noticing at all. I suppose I do get rather engrossed in my work, but still, that’s quite hard to miss.
The paper was rubbish, as is most of the writing around here (pardon my little joke). It looked just like printer paper, was blank, except for the words:
‘There is a time to be born and a time to die
Have you been religious?’
More religious drivel, probably from the same person who managed to give me that pamphlet earlier. Sometimes I hate this district.
The only other thing on the paper was a circle with a dot in the middle. I believe it was representing an eye, to show how ‘God is always watching us’. Bah.
- John Thomas
Office Secretary
Fieldworker Administrations

Day Two

It’s day two of my month-long blogging challenge. Phrasing it that way makes me feel less annoyed at myself and my colleagues and more focused on the actual writing here.
So what can I say? I came to work. I worked. I answered the phone. I emailed. I passed on the details. Nothing unusual happened today, dare I say nothing interesting happened today?
In other news, I found one of those religious pamphlets in my pigeon-hole today. Someone’s slipped it into my staff mailbox, I have no idea how. I dislike these religious fanatics, it’s just not right.
Also, it’s Pancake Day today. I’m not a very religious person, but any excuse to eat large amounts while celebrating is fine by me!
- John Thomas
Office Secretary
Fieldworker Administrations

Monday 11 February 2013


After posting the last message I actually got on with some work. I’m well ahead of all my fellows here, but I figure that I might as well stay that way.
I found a note on my desk. It had a crude drawing on it, a circle with a dot in the middle, and the scribbled phrase ‘Make the punishment fit the crime’. I have no idea what it means; I do think it’s a practical joke these buffoons I am surrounded with are playing with me to attempt to get me to post it here on my blog.
Well, you’ve succeeded. Much joy may it bring you.
- John Thomas
Office Secretary
Fieldworker Administrations 

Embarrassing Explanation

I realised that I forgot to mention the reason I’m writing in this blog. It’s not particularly flattering but you can read it anyway.
So, here it is:
I’m not very ‘techno-savvy’, as some youngsters put it. In fact, I first used a smartphone three years ago. Most teenagers or even younger have them now. Imagine that! A powerful mini-computer in our children’s hands from the age of six. It’s scary, but it’s happening.
I’m going off on a tangent, aren’t I?
Anyway. The reason I’m writing this blog.
Embarrassingly, during our office’s Christmas party, I’m sad to say that I got myself rather drunk and made a wager with some of my fellow workers. We were discussing online chatting and social networking websites. Our conversation went somewhat like this:
Me will represent myself, of course, and Friend will be for my friends.
Me: Social networking’s poisoning the minds of our children!
Friend: You worry too much.
Me: It’s giving them access to things that can really get them into serious trouble!
(I tend to get slightly verbally aggressive when I am in my cups)
Friend: Nonsense. Look, if you think these things are so harmful, why don’t you try them for yourself?
Me: I will not tarnish myself with this filth!
Friend: Have you… have you ever considered starting a blog, then?
Me: A blog? What are you, some Communist spy trying to rot my mind?
Friend: Oh, go on. Just try it, blogging for one month? I’ll make a bet on it, that you can’t last a month. Fifty pounds’ in it, good crisp money.
Here he took out four notes, two twenties and two fives. Of course I was rather insulted at the implication that I could not stick to something for a month. I took the deal and here we are.
So you see, it wasn’t just idle possibility that my ‘friends’ could have found this blog, although some ‘friends’ they are turning out to be. Honestly! Taking advantage of a drunk man. I suppose it’s my own fault for being so predictable. That party is the one time I get drunk every year.
Yours, rather annoyed,
- John Thomas
Office Secretary
Fieldworker Administrations 

About Me

My name is John Thomas and I am twenty one years old. I live in England, quite close to the centre of London.
As you might be able to tell, I live a busy life. It’s offices all day for me, and I do a lot of work. (If any colleagues of mine have somehow found their way onto this blog, you know I do so much more work than you. Admit it.) I file and phone and take notes all day. I’m the answering phone man; people phone our company, possible clients, and it falls to me to write down their details for the ‘higher up’ to deal with.
It’s not a bad job, and I’m not complaining (although a pay rise would be nice. I’ve been working lone enough for it).
So, everyone, have an interesting day.
- John Thomas
Office Secretary
Fieldworker Administrations